

Patriotic Dolly!

Disclaimer: This post contains a review
of an American Girl Doll outfit provided
opinions are my own.

The lovely Sandra from 123 Mulberry Street has sent us an adorable patriotic outfit to review!

Isn't it adorable?!?!

 Way too cute!!!

 And patriotic!

 Hailey looks so cute in it!

 And white shorts have such a fantastic mix and match potential!  New summer staple!

I love the sweater, too. :) 


I love the little pockets. :)

This outfit is way too cute, and it's so patriotic!  It matches with my Sea Breeze Romper shoes perfectly.  This is such a fantastic 4th of July outfit. :)

The quality is fantastic, and it all fits perfectly on the doll.   The sweater is super stretchy and very easy to get on the doll.  The white shorts have an elastic waist band, and extremely realistic pockets. :)  Both items can just be pulled right on in no time!

The wide scoop neck is also very pretty, and really flatters the dolls with their wide shoulders. :)  Necklines are tricky with AG's, but Sandra hit a home run with this one!

I love that there is such great mix and match potential!  This sweater totally works with denim shorts and jeans, and you have no idea how excited I am to have white shorts for my dolls!!!  Yay!!!

I want to give a HUGE thank you to Sandra for sending us this outfit; we love it!!!  Make sure to check out 123 Mulberry Street for all of your dolly fashions!  She has fantastic looks!

Thanks for reading!
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Disclaimer: This post contains a review
of a nail polish provided by LynBDesigns
All opinions are my own.


Today I have the opportunity to review some gorgeous nail polish from Jenna of LynBDesigns!  She sent me the gorgeous color Oobleck from the Many Colors of Suess Collection.

Isn't the color GORGEOUS?!?!?!

I absolutely love it!!!

And the name is just too cute!! 


This nail polish is fantastic.  The consistency is perfect; not runny and not sticky.  It paints on extremely easily, and doesn't make a mess like some polishes can.  After it is removed, it doesn't stay in the cracks of your nails (so nice!!!).  I hate it when you have the color of your last polish stuck on your nails for a long time.  Such a pain.  This one does not do that, and it comes off very nicely.  I really have nothing bad to say about this polish.  It is ideal in all aspects!!!  The consistency is perfect, the color is great, I love the glitter in it that makes it sparkly, it comes off nicely.... I mean, what more could you ask for?!?!?!

Perfect consistency.
Paints on nicely.
Gorgeous color.
Sparkly glitter inside.
Comes off easily.
Doesn't stay in the cracks of your nails.


This nail polish is fantastic, and if you are looking for good quality, creative polish, LynBDesigns is the place to go!!!  Jenna has all sorts of different collections with fabulous colors!!!

Make sure to place your order today, because Jenna has a 35% off code ending today.  Hurry!  Here's the code: SHERLOCK

Also, make sure to check out Jenna's blog here!

Thank you so much, Jenna!!!
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Most Popular Historical!


So, after my first poll of which historical AG doll is your favorite, we had a tie between Caroline Abbott and Ivy Ling!  I then put up a 'final round' vote, and we have a winner!!!  The most popular historical among my readers is...................

Caroline Abbott!!!!!!

Caroline is a gorgeous doll (when I have the money for another doll, I will probably be getting her :)!!!!  I love her eyes and her beautiful hair. :D  Do you have Caroline, do you want her, or do you even like her?  Share your thoughts in the comments!  I'd love to hear from you!!!

Have a great morning!
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New Summer Design!


What do you think of my new summer design?  I love all of the colorfulness!!! :P  Please vote on my pole on the right sidebar to tell me what you think of it!

Have a great night!
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Summer Fun Contest!


I have some super duper exciting news for you!!!!  We are having a summer fun video contest on our YouTube channel, FantasticalAGStudios!!!!  You could win an amazingly adorable dress for your doll from MandySewSweet!!!  We would love it if you'd enter, so please check out all of the rules and how to enter here!

Good luck, and have fun!!!
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Flowery Fun!

Disclaimer: This post contains a review
of an American Girl Doll outfit provided
by One Girl's Dream.  All opinions are 
my own.

The lovely Mary Ann from One Girl's Dream has generously sponsored me with an adorable American Girl outfit for me to review!!!  Audrey is a lovely model for it. :)

Isn't it lovely?

 Audrey loves it!

 And she looks so adorable in it!




Isn't this outfit gorgeous?!?!?!  I think Audrey looks fantastic in it!

This outfit is fantastic quality, AND it comes with shoes and a necklace!!!  Pretty cool, right?  The denim vest comes off (forgot to take a picture of that... oops), which makes it a very versatile outfit; you can have a pretty dress, a vest with it, or the vest with a different outfit!

The dress has a very lovely floral print, and the vest is lined with the same fabric as the dress.  The dress has a tank top-style neckline, and looks adorable on the doll.  This outfit is definitely a new summer staple for my girls!  The vest is a bit hard to get on and off because you have to re-string the twine in the front every time.

The shoes are WAY too cute, and are so realistic!  They even have a buckle on the sides!!!  The necklace is a gorgeous pearl choker, and goes super well with this outfit!!

Great quality.
Versatile outfit.
Comes with shoes and necklace.
Beautiful fabric.
Adorable shoes.
Pretty necklace.
Easy on/off of dress.
Great velcro closure.

Difficult on/off of vest.

Even with the difficult on/off of the vest, I would still give this a 5 out of 5 stars!!!  It is just way too cute, and super versatile!!!  I LOVE it!  One Girl's Dream is an amazing shop, and if you're looking for a cute outfit for your doll, then One Girl's Dream is the place to go!  There are so many cute outfits that both you and your doll will love so much, you'll be jealous that you can't get it in your size!!!

Thanks so much, Mary Ann!  My dolls and I are in love with this outfit, and we love your shop One Girl's Dream!

Thanks for reading!
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Sew Fun!


So, I recently got a sewing machine, and I have been getting frustrated with it because I haven't been able to work it real well.  With the purchase of our sewing machine, we got 3 free classes at the sewing store (where we purchased the machine).  Well, yesterday my great friend and I went to the class together, and I learned so much!!!  It was super fun, and I learned a lot of different techniques, and we were given several great project ideas!  Well, after the class, my friend and I REALLY wanted to sew something, so we made some adorable bags and an apron for her little sister!

My bag. (My friend and I made matching ones.)

I love the pattern! 

It has a velcro closure. 

Fancy fancy fold! :) 

 I did a five-string braid with twine for my strap.  My friend had a really cute old belt that she used. :)

I absolutely LOVE my new bag. :)  Do you like it?  I am actually selling them for $15.  I can also make other patterns.  If you want to buy one, please email me and I'll give you the details and also the different patterns. :P

Thanks so much for reading, and I'm so excited to finally get back to my regular posts!!!
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Interview from Mikaela of Ag...And Photography, Mikaela's Photography, and My Stories


Today we will be interviewing Mika from AG...And PhotographyMikaela's Photography, and My Stories!

1. What is your name (or Blogger name) and age (if you don't want to say your age, that is just fine :)?  Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Mika.  I am a double-digit aged girl and I love American Girl Dolls.  I blog about them here. You can also find me here or here.  I hope you check out my blogs!

2. What are your blogs about, and why did you start blogging?

My blogs are mostly about dolls, but I also blog about my photography and and my stories.  I started blogging about 6 or 7 months ago, but I have always loved dolls and reading!

3. What are your hobbies?

Some of my hobbies are reading, writing, drawing, and painting.  I do love photography, too, and dolls.

4. If you are a doll lover, how many dolls do you have, and which ones?  If you are not a doll lover, how often do you go to the library?

I am a major doll lover!  I have 4 dolls; Mikayla (JLY #13), Saige, Julie, and Olivia, my Bitty Baby.  I love them all!  I also have a Monster High doll, Laggoona.

5. What is your favorite book (or book series)?

I really love the Percy Jackson Book Series.  I love to read Greek mythology, too.

6. What is your favorite movie?

I have a lot of movies!  I couldn't pick a favorite.

7. Do you prefer to watch the movie before reading the book, or do you prefer to read the book before watching the movie?

I prefer reading the book before watching the movie.  I believe that the book is always more detailed.

8. What is your favorite kind of ice cream?

I love mint chocolate chip ice cream with slices of brownie!

9. What is your most favorite place that you've ever been to?

I really like New York and Washington D.C., but I love Sweden most of all. {If you don't know where Sweden is, go look it up! ;) }

10. What do you like best about my blog?

I like everything!

11. What would you do to improve my blog?

I would...IDK...

12. What are your top 5 favorite blogs?

The Spicys
It's My Life
Our AG Adventures
Fun With The Dolls
AG...& Photography

13. Would you be interested in guest posting on my blog?

Yeah, of course!

Thanks for interviewing me!

Thanks, Mika!  Make sure to go check out and follow Mika's blogs AG...And PhotographyMikaela's Photography, and My Stories!

If you would like to be interviewed, please visit my Interviews page here.

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Interview from Dollygirl of Dollygirl's Treasures


Today we will be interviewing Dollygirl from Dollygirl's Treasures!

1. What is your name (or Blogger name) and age (if you don't want to say your age, that is just fine :)? Tell us a little bit about yourself. 

My Blogger name is Dollygirl, I'm 12! I'm a huge doll lover, and I love to make crafts and read!

2. What are your blogs about, and why did you start blogging? 

My main blog is Dollygirl's Treasures, which is about dolls, I also share Girls Just Wanna Have Fun with another girl named Jordy. And I'm one of the bloggers in Pretty Little Dollies Collab Blog! I started blogging because both of my sisters and mom all had blogs, so I started Dollygirl's Treasures.

3. What are your hobbies?

Dolls, books, swimming, and I collect little dolls called Teenie Beanie Boppers.

4. If you are a doll lover, how many dolls do you have, and which ones? If you are not a doll lover, how often do you go to the library?

I'm a (huge) doll lover, and I have the American Girl's Samantha and Kit, they're historicals!

5. What is your favorite book (or book series)?

I really like the Little House books, American Girl books, and Harry Potter!

6. What is your favorite movie?

Ooh, that's a tough one! I'd have to say either Kit Kitteredge or Molly McIntire (American Girl movies)!

7. Do you prefer to watch the movie before reading the book, or do you prefer to read the book before watching the movie?

Definitely read the book before watching the movie!

8. What is your favorite kind of ice cream?

Um...probably Cookie Dough!

9. What is your most favorite place that you've ever been to?

I don't really know, either the beach, or Stratford (a place in Ontario)!

10. What do you like best about my blog?


11. What would you do to improve my blog?

Nothing! It's amazing!

12. What are your top 5 favorite blogs?

Doll Diaries
It's My Life :D
Life From Fey's Perspective
Once Upon A Craft
Julie Newman's 70s Time Capsule

13. Would you be interested in guest posting on my blog?

No, sorry, I can never think of anything to say while posting on someone else's blog!

Thanks, Dollygirl!  Make sure to go check out and follow Dollygirl's blog Dollygirl's Treasures!

If you would like to be Interviewed, please visit my Interviews page here.
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Happy Father's Day!


Happy Father's Day!  I hope you are all enjoying a beautiful day spending time with your dads!!! :)

I love you, Daddy!
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Interview from Chloe of Our AG Adventures


First off, I want to say thank you to all of you who have been sending in interviews!  I have been getting so many interviews!!!  It has really helped me, because right now my life is pretty crazy, and I haven't had a ton of time to post, so this is really great for me. :)  Thanks. :)

Second, I HAVE 93 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!!  THANK YOU!!!!!!  I can't believe I'm only 7 away from 100.  This. Is. Amazing.  Thank you.

Now, without further ado, we will be interviewing Chloe from Our AG Adventures!

1. What is your name (or Blogger name) and age (if you don't want to say your age, that is just fine :)? Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Chloe, but most refer to me & my dolls as Our AG Adventures.  I am simply just a girl who likes dolls with a camera and a blogger account.

2. What are your blogs about, and why did you start blogging?

My doll's blog is Our AG Adventures, which is pretty much life in their point of view!  We sometimes do crafts, but it's pretty much random! :) 

I started blogging over a year ago for my brother.  I wanted to be a part of the AG Blogging Community like many other bloggers I saw, so I created a website the day before Easter.  About a week later, I moved my blog from Wordpress to Blogger!

3. What are your hobbies?

Blogging, photography, surfing, making pancakes, and creating stopmotions! 

4. If you are a doll lover, how many dolls do you have, and which ones? If you are not a doll lover, how often do you go to the library?

I am 110% a doll lover! :)  I have a total of 8 dolls, all American Girl.  I have JLY #19 Caroline, Mia GOTY 2008, Lanie GOTY 2010, Kanani GOTY 2011, Molly Historical, Abagaile MAG #37, Lindsey GOTY 2001, and Saige GOTY 2013.

5. What is your favorite book (or book series)?

The Hunger Games! :D

6. What is your favorite movie?

That's hard! But I really like Star Trek: Into Darkness, Auntie Mame, The Avengers, and My Fair Lady!

7. Do you prefer to watch the movie before reading the book, or do you prefer to read the book before watching the movie?

Movie before book! ;) 

8. What is your favorite kind of ice cream?

Mint Chocolate Chip! :D

9. What is your most favorite place that you've ever been to?

I was lucky enough to go to The American Girl Store in Houston for the grand opening, and that is probably my favorite memory, and favorite place to go to! 

10. What do you like best about my blog?

The design!  I love the colors you chose!

11. What would you do to improve my blog?

Nothing!  Your blog is perfect! 

12. What are your top 5 favorite blogs?

(in no order)

My American Girl's Story
Adollable Dolls
The Salty's Doll Blog
My Dolls and Me: An American Girl Doll Blog
The Adventures of Steampunk Addy
It's My Life

13. Would you be interested in guest posting on my blog?

Yes! That would be super cool! :) 

Thanks for doing this interview! I had loads of fun!

Thank you, Chloe!  That was a lovely interview. :)  Make sure to go check out and follow Chloe's blog Our AG Adventures

If you would like to be interviewed, please visit my Interviews page here.
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Interview from Jan of Fun with the Dolls


Today we will be interviewing Jan from Fun with the Dolls!

1. What is your name (or Blogger name) and age (if you don't want to say your age, that is just fine :)?  Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Jan.  I can't say my age, I'm sorry!  :). Well, I love dolls, reading, all animals, blogging, friends, and a lot of things.  Hmmm....I'm terrible at 'telling people a little bit about myself!  :) 

2. What are your blogs about, and why did you start blogging?

I have several blogs.  One is about cooking, and the rest are doll/ AG.  And one of them is a AG blog that I run with my sister, Marcia, and friend, Hope.  I started blogging mostly because of American Girl Fan website, and all the other AG doll blogs out there.  I loved the idea, and thought it would be so much fun to create photo stories and emerging and post them online, and meet new friends!  And, it is fun!  :)

3. What are your hobbies?

Hmmm....I like swimming, reading, painting, and singing.  But I'm really terrible at painting and singing! Lol!  :). I like to ride horses, but I've only been on a horse a couple of times.

4. If you are a doll lover, how many dolls do you have, and which ones?  If you are not a doll lover, how often do you go to the library?

Yes, I'm a doll lover.  :) I have 8 dolls right now.  They are: Felicity, Agnes (Bitty Baby), Elsie Rose (A Life of Faith), Helen Catarina Patsy Jacqueline (JLY), Saige Esther, Nicki, Rebecca, and Dorothy Ann (Our Generation).

5. What is your favorite book (or book series)?

Oh, I have a lot of favorite books!  :) My favorite at the moment, though, is the Marie-Grace and Cecile AG books.

6. What is your favorite movie?

Right now, Shall We Dance, with Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire.  But I keep changing my mind about favorite movies!  

7. Do you prefer to watch the movie before reading the book, or do you prefer to read the book before watching the movie?

Depends on the book or movie.  :). But usually, the book before the movie.

8. What is your favorite kind of ice cream?


9. What is your most favorite place that you've ever been to?

Hmmmm....I don't know!  :)

10. What do you like best about my blog?

I like your colors, and I LOVE the way you post, too!

11. What would you do to improve my blog?

Nothing!  I love it just the way it is.

12. What are your top 5 favorite blogs?

Hmmmm....that's a hard one.  Well, American Girl Fan isn't a blog, sooo:
Dolly Sisters
American Girl #1 Fans
Hailey's Hideaway
The AG Minis of Snickerdoodle Street

I love all the blogs I follow, though!  :)

13. Would you be interested in guest posting on my blog?

I would, but I'm so busy right now.  :). But I love your blog!

Thanks, Jan!  Make sure to go check out and follow Jan's blog Fun with the Dolls!

If you would like to be interviewed, please visit my Interviews page here.

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Interview from Christina of Simply Dollightful and Idlewild


Today we will be interviewing Christina from Simply Dollightful and Idlewild!

1. What is your name (or Blogger name) and age (if you don't want to say your age, that is just fine :)?  Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I'm Christina, I'm High School age but I've been home schooled all of my life. :)  I love to be outside, but I also like to create, a lot.

2. What are your blogs about, and why did you start blogging?

Simply Dollightful is my doll blog where I can post all of my doll related ideas.  Idlewild is my blog about myself where I post whatever I want to.  I started blogging because my brother had been for a couple years and I thought it seemed fun!

3. What are your hobbies?

Sewing, baking, piano, acting, creating. :)

4. If you are a doll lover, how many dolls do you have, and which ones?  If you are not a doll lover, how often do you go to the library?

I am a doll lover and I have two AG dolls!  I have Kirsten and a retired Just Like You (My AG) named Rebecca.  I have other dolls but I don't count them because they're not really play dolls.

5. What is your favorite book (or book series)?

Anne of Green Gable series, so funny!  Or The Chronicles of Narnia.

6. What is your favorite movie?

The Princess Bride.

7. Do you prefer to watch the movie before reading the book, or do you prefer to read the book before watching the movie?

I prefer to read the book first, it's always better than the movie, and I know the movie will be different.

8. What is your favorite kind of ice cream?

Anything with chocolate.

9. What is your most favorite place that you've ever been to?


10. What do you like best about my blog?

I haven't been following you very long, but I enjoy all of your posts!

11. What would you do to improve my blog?

Nothing, it wouldn't be yours if I changed it. :)

12. What are your top 5 favorite blogs?

Doll Delight by The Spicys
Our AG Adventures
American Girl #1 Fans
Pretty Lily am American Girl
The Life and Times of Audrey K

13. Would you be interested in guest posting on my blog?


Thanks, Christina!  Make sure to go check out and follow Christina's blogs Simply Dollightful and Idlewild!

If you would like to be interviewed, please visit my Interviews page here.
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