

You're Still Here!!!


Well, first off, Happy July!!!!

Second, we all now what July first is, right?  Well, it was a day that everybody was holding their breath for, because we thought we were going to lose our GFC followers!  Oh no!!!  Well, guess what?  You're all still here!!!!  Based on one article I read, it sounded like only Wordpress/Typepad/servers besides blogger were going to lose GFC.  Which make me super happy. :D  Yay!

Well, I just wanted to celebrate that I still have my 95 AMAZING followers!!!!

Stay tuned for an adorable AG photoshoot later today, and fun 4th of July ideas and activities coming soon!!
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  1. Yeah! That is REALLY strange! I tried to sign in to blogger this morning to see what would happen and nothing came up so I though GFC really was all gone...but I just tried to sign in again and "Surprise!" my reading list popped up! Maybe Google was just trying to scare us into using Google Plus....nothing against it....I actually have Google Plus but just that they try to scare us all like that almost makes you mad! I will forgive Google though. :) I'm glad to see someone else is noticing that though!

    1. Yeah, mine did the same thing with the reading list, but then I just refreshed the page, and there it was!! Haha! Maybe they were trying to scare us. I don't have a Google+, and I don't want one either. My sister has one, and I do NOT like the layout AT ALL. I love GFC. :)

  2. Im so happy! I wrote a post about this.. maybe check it out if you haven't already :)


    1. Very informative post! I'm not sure why that didn't pop up on my BlogLovin feed??? Wierd.

    2. It seems like it takes a few days to get to me from BlogLovin. I usually use blogger to check blogs :) But that is weird that it never got to you! hmmm.



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