

The Cool Pup and a Snowy Update!


Thank you for all of your entries to my giveaway!  I will be revealing the winner tomorrow.

Lindsay has these glow-in-the-dark glasses that she received from the library as a prize for completing her reading goal this summer.  We put them on my dog, Kooper, and he looked ADORABLE!!!!  He doesn't like wearing them very much, though. ;o)  I came across them today while going through some stuff, and I just HAD to show you!  Here is the 'Cool Pup':

Isn't this funny?  He is such a sweetie, and he was very good about me putting these on him, and getting a picture.

Now, for the snowy update!  It snowed a little over a foot last night!  It's so beautiful!  Since this morning, it has begun to melt just a little, and it has compacted down.  Tonight is supposed to be the last stormy night for a little bit, and it will warm up this weekend.  All of the snow might melt!  Isn't that terrible?!?!  I'm so bummed!  I know that it will be back soon, though.  Here are some pictures that I took this morning:

A lot more snow than yesterday!

LOTS of snow!!! 

In this picture, I was trying to capture the clouds coming into the snowy trees. 

 Don't the clouds look like they are rising right out of the lake?

Have a great night!



  1. Hello, Grace!! :) By the way, your background's done. And you've got an award!!! :)

  2. Aww, your dog looks so cute! :)
    You're so lucky it's snowing! I absolutely love snow.

    P.S. Thanks for following my blog!

    1. Thanks for following my blog! I love reading your blog, too!




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